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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

Automatic Boom Barriers Toshi boom barriers provide practical and cost effective traffic management solutions. Toshi boom barriers are reliable require little maintenance and can interface with any access control systems. Designed for 24X7 operations in very high traffic solutions.

Product Benefits

  • Controls vehicle access to restricted areas, preventing unauthorized entry.
  • Effectively regulates vehicle flow in high-traffic areas, reducing congestion.
  • Easily connects with access control systems like RFID, ANPR, or biometric readers for automated access.

Applications of Boom Barrier

Parking Lots: Controls vehicle entry and exit in commercial, residential, and public parking areas.

Toll Plazas: Manages traffic flow and ensures payment collection at toll booths on highways.

Airports: Used to control vehicle entry at drop-off, pick-up, and restricted zones within airport premises.

Hotels and Resorts: Ensures that only authorized guests and staff can access the premises, improving security and exclusivity.

Key Features

  • High-Speed Operation

  • Safety Sensors

  • Integration with Access Control

  • Remote Operation

  • Weatherproof Design

  • Customizable Boom Length


An automatic boom barrier works by using an electric motor to raise and lower a horizontal arm based on signals from access control systems, such as RFID or ANPR. When a vehicle is detected, the system activates the motor, allowing the boom to lift and grant access.

A boom barrier is required to control vehicle access to restricted areas, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized entry while efficiently managing traffic flow. It helps maintain order in high-traffic locations such as parking lots, toll plazas, and gated communities.

A boom barrier operates by lifting a horizontal arm to allow or block vehicle access, controlled by an electric motor and sensors, often integrated with access control systems for automated operation.

Boom barriers generally operate in 1-5 seconds, depending on the model and traffic requirements.

Most boom barriers have a breakaway or auto-reverse feature to minimize damage and ensure safety.

We can supply Automatic Boom Barrier to following cities in Maranhao of Brazil - Acailandia, Alcantara, Aldeias Altas, Alto Alegre Do Pindare, Amarante Do Maranhao, Anajatuba, Araioses, Arame, Arari, Bacabal, Balsas, Barra Do Corda, Barreirinhas, Bequimao, Bom Jardim, Brejo, Buriti, Buriti Bravo, Buriticupu, Candido Mendes, Cantanhede, Carolina, Carutapera, Caxias, Chapadinha, Codo, Coelho Neto, Colinas, Coroata, Cururupu, Davinopolis, Dom Pedro, Esperantinopolis, Estreito, Fortuna, Godofredo Viana, Governador Eugenio Barros, Governador Nunes Freire, Grajau, Humberto De Campos, Icatu, Imperatriz, Itapecuru Mirim, Itinga Do Maranhao, Joao Lisboa, Lago Da Pedra, Lago Do Junco, Maracacume, Matinha, Matoes, Mirador, Miranda Do Norte, Moncao, Montes Altos, Morros, Nova Olinda Do Maranhao, Olho DAgua Das Cunhas, Paco Do Lumiar, Paraibano, Parnarama, Passagem Franca, Pastos Bons, Paulo Ramos, Pedreiras, Penalva, Pindare Mirim, Pinheiro, Pio XII, Pirapemas, Pocao De Pedras, Porto Franco, Presidente Dutra, Raposa, Riachao, Rosario, Santa Helena, Santa Ines, Santa Luzia, Santa Luzia Do Parua, Santa Quiteria Do Maranhao, Santa Rita, Sao Benedito Do Rio Preto, Sao Bento, Sao Bernardo, Sao Domingos Do Maranhao, Sao Joao Batista, Sao Joao Dos Patos, Sao Jose De Ribamar, Sao Luis, Sao Luis Gonzaga Do Maranhao, Sao Mateus Do Maranhao, Sao Pedro Da Agua Branca, Sao Raimundo Das Mangabeiras, Timbiras, Timon, Trizidela Do Vale, Tuntum, Turiacu, Tutoia, Urbano Santos, Vargem Grande, Viana, Vitoria Do Mearim, Vitorino Freire, Ze Doca
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