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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

Urinal sensors are motion-activated or infrared devices that automatically trigger flushing when a user steps away from the urinal, promoting hands-free operation. They are made from durable, corrosion-resistant materials and are powered by either batteries or electrical connections. These sensors are designed to conserve water, improve hygiene, and reduce maintenance by eliminating the need for manual flushing.

Product Benefits

  • Provides hands-free flushing, reducing contact with potentially germ-laden surfaces.
  • Automatically flushes based on usage, preventing water wastage by only activating when necessary.
  • Ensures consistent and reliable flushing without the need for manual intervention.

Applications of Uniral Sensor

Public Restrooms: Common in high-traffic areas like malls, airports, and stadiums to enhance hygiene and convenience.

Commercial Buildings: Ideal for office buildings, hotels, and restaurants to improve restroom sanitation and reduce water wastage.

Healthcare Facilities: Used in hospitals and clinics to maintain sterile environments and minimize cross-contamination.

Educational Institutions: Implemented in schools and universities to ensure hygienic, touchless operation in student restrooms.

Key Features

  • Hands-Free Operation

  • Motion Detection

  • Water Conservation

  • Hygienic Design

  • Durable Construction

  • Energy-Efficient


An automatic sensor urinal and flusher uses motion or infrared sensors to detect when a user finishes, triggering a hands-free flush. It enhances hygiene and water conservation by eliminating manual operation.

urinal sensor and flushers improve hygiene by eliminating contact with handles, reducing the spread of germs. They also conserve water by ensuring efficient, on-demand flushing, preventing unnecessary wastage.

The main types of automatic sensor urinals and flushers are infrared sensors, which detect motion, and capacitive sensors, which detect proximity. Both offer touchless operation for improved hygiene and water conservation.

An urinal sensor and flusher work by using infrared or motion-sensing technology to detect the presence of a user. Once the user steps away, the sensor automatically triggers the flush, ensuring hands-free operation and water conservation.

To maintain an automatic sensor urinal and flusher, regularly clean the sensor to remove dirt or debris that may interfere with detection. Check for battery or power supply issues and replace any worn-out parts, such as the sensor or flush valve, to ensure proper function.

We can supply Uniral Sensor to following cities in Lombardia of Italy - Abbiategrasso, Agrate Brianza, Albiate, Albino, Albizzate, Alzano Lombardo, Arcisate, Arconate, Arcore, Arese, Arluno, Asola, Bagnolo Mella, Ballabio, Bareggio, Basiglio, Bedizzole, Bergamo, Bernareggio, Besana In Brianza, Besozzo, Biassono, Bienate, Bollate, Botticino, Bovisio Masciago, Brembilla, Brescia, Bresso, Broni, Brugherio, Buccinasco, Bussero, Busto Arsizio, Busto Garolfo, Cairate, Calcinato, Calolziocorte, Calusco DAdda, Canegrate, Cantu, Capriolo, Carate Brianza, Caravaggio, Cardano Al Campo, Caronno Pertusella, Carpenedolo, Carugate, Carvico, Casalmaggiore, Casalpusterlengo, Casatenovo, Casazza, Casnigo, Cassano Magnago, Cassano DAdda, Cassina De Pecchi, Castano Primo, Castel Goffredo, Castel Mella, Castellanza, Castelleone, Castelli Calepio, Castenedolo, Castiglione Delle Stiviere, Cazzago San Martino, Cene, Cermenate, Cernusco Sul Naviglio, Cerro Maggiore, Cesano Boscone, Cesano Maderno, Cesate, Chiari, Cilavegna, Cinisello Balsamo, Cislago, Clusone, Codogno, Cologno Monzese, Cologno Al Serio, Como, Concesio, Concorezzo, Corbetta, Cormano, Cornaredo, Cornate DAdda, Corsico, Corte Dei Cortesi, Costa Volpino, Crema, Cremona, Crocetta, Curtatone, Cusano Milanino, Dalmine, Darfo, Desenzano Del Garda, Desio, Erba, Fagnano Olona, Fino Mornasco, Gaggiano, Galbiate, Gallarate, Gambolo, Garbagnate Milanese, Gardone Val Trompia, Garlasco, Gavardo, Gavirate, Gerenzano, Ghedi, Giussano, Goito, Gonzaga, Gorgonzola, Gussago, Gussola, Induno Olona, Inveruno, Inzago, Iseo, Isola Dovarese, Lacchiarella, Lainate, Laveno Mombello, Lecco, Leffe, Legnano, Leno, Lentate Sul Seveso, Limbiate, Lissone, Locate Di Triulzi, Lodi, Lomazzo, Lonate Pozzolo, Lonato, Luino, Lumezzane, Lurate Caccivio, Magenta, Malnate, Mandello Del Lario, Manerbio, Mantova, Mariano Comense, Martinengo, Mazzano, Meda, Mediglia, Melegnano, Melzo, Merate, Milano, Molteno, Montichiari, Monza, Morbegno, Mornago, Mortara, Muggio, Nave, Nembro, Nerviano, Nova Milanese, Novate Milanese, Olgiate Comasco, Olgiate Olona, Opera, Orzinuovi, Osio Sotto, Ospitaletto, Paderno Dugnano, Palazzolo SullOglio, Pandino, Parabiago, Paullo, Pavia, Pero, Peschiera Borromeo, Pessano Con Bornago, Pieve Emanuele, Pioltello, Ponte Nossa, Ponte San Pietro, Porto Mantovano, Pozzolengo, Rescaldina, Rezzato, Rho, Rivarolo Mantovano, Rodano, Romano Di Lombardia, Rovato, Rozzano, Saletto, Salo, Samarate, San Donato Milanese, San Giuliano Milanese, SantAngelo Lodigiano, Sarezzo, Saronno, Scanzorosciate, Sedriano, Segrate, Senago, Seregno, Seriate, Sesto Calende, Sesto San Giovanni, Settimo Milanese, Seveso, Sirmione, Solaro, Somma Lombardo, Sondrio, Soresina, Sorisole, Stezzano, Stradella, Suzzara, Tirano, Tornata, Tradate, Travagliato, Treviglio, Treviolo, Trezzano Sul Naviglio, Trezzo, Tromello, Uboldo, Urgnano, Usmate Velate, Valmadrera, Varedo, Varese, Verano Brianza, Vergiate, Viadana, Vigevano, Vignate, Villa Carcina, Villa Guardia, Villasanta, Vimercate, Vimodrone, Virgilio, Voghera, Zibido San Giacomo, Zogno
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