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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

An auto tap is a hands-free faucet that uses sensors to detect motion, automatically dispensing water when hands are placed underneath. This touchless design promotes hygiene by reducing contact with surfaces, making it ideal for public restrooms and kitchens. Auto taps are energy-efficient and can be equipped with temperature controls for added convenience.

Product Benefits

  • Reduces the risk of cross-contamination by eliminating the need to touch the tap.
  • Automatically shuts off when not in use, preventing water wastage.
  • Provides hands-free operation, making it easy to use, especially with full hands.

Applications of Auto Tap

Public Restrooms: Common in high-traffic areas for hygiene and convenience.

Commercial Kitchens: Used in restaurants and foodservice areas to maintain cleanliness and reduce cross-contamination.

Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Helps maintain a sterile environment by reducing touchpoints.

Offices and Workplaces: Ideal for restrooms or kitchen areas to improve hygiene and efficiency.

Key Features

  • Touchless Operation

  • Water Temperature Control

  • Hands-Free Hygiene

  • Water Conservation

  • Durable and Corrosion-Resistant

  • Adjustable Sensor Range


Dock shelters provide a protective seal between the building and a vehicle during loading and unloading, helping to maintain temperature control and protect against weather and contaminants.

Yes, dock shelters are a valuable investment as they enhance energy efficiency, protect goods, and improve safety, leading to long-term cost savings and operational efficiency.

Some auto taps feature built-in temperature control settings, while others require separate thermostatic mixing valves for temperature adjustment.

Auto taps are typically powered by batteries, AC adapters, or a combination of both, depending on the model.

Yes, most auto taps can be retrofitted to existing plumbing setups with minimal modifications.

We can supply Auto Tap to following cities in Parana of Brazil - Almirante Tamandare, Alto Parana, Alto Piquiri, Altonia, Ampere, Andira, Antonina, Apucarana, Arapongas, Arapoti, Araucaria, Assai, Assis Chateaubriand, Astorga, Bandeirantes, Barbosa Ferraz, Bela Vista Do Paraiso, Cambara, Cambe, Campina Grande Do Sul, Campina Da Lagoa, Campo Largo, Campo Murao, Candido De Abreu, Capitao Leonidas Marques, Carambei, Cascavel, Castro, Centenario Do Sul, Chopinzinho, Cianorte, Clevelandia, Colombo, Colorado, Contenda, Corbelia, Cornelio Procopio, Coronel Vivida, Cruzeiro Do Oeste, Curitiba, Dois Vizinhos, Engenheiro Beltrao, Faxinal, Fazenda Rio Grande, Florestopolis, Foz Do Iguacu, Francisco Beltrao, Goioere, Guaira, Guaraniacu, Guarapuava, Guaratuba, Ibaiti, Ibipora, Imbituva, Ipora, Irati, Itaperucu, Ivaipora, Jacarezinho, Jaguariaiva, Jandaia Do Sul, Jataizinho, Lapa, Laranjeiras Do Sul, Loanda, Londrina, Mandaguacu, Mandaguari, Marechal Candido Rondon, Marialva, Maringa, Matelandia, Matinhos, Medianeira, Moreira Sales, Nova Aurora, Nova Esperanca, Nova Londrina, Ortigueira, Paicandu, Palmas, Palmeira, Palotina, Paranagua, Paranavai, Pato Branco, Peabiru, Pinhais, Pinhao, Pirai Do Sul, Piraquara, Pitanga, Ponta Grossa, Pontal Do Parana, Porecatu, Primero De Maio, Prudentopolis, Quatro Barras, Quedas Do Iguacu, Realeza, Reserva, Ribeirao Do Pinhal, Rio Branco Do Sul, Rio Negro, Rolandia, Santa Helena, Santa Terezinha De Itaipu, Santo Antonio Da Platina, Santo Antonio Do Sudoeste, Sao Joao Do Ivai, Sao Jose Dos Pinhais, Sao Mateus Do Sul, Sao Miguel Do Iguacu, Sarandi, Senges, Sertanopolis, Siquera Campos, Tapejara, Telemaco Borba, Terra Boa, Terra Rica, Terra Roxa, Tibagi, Toledo, Ubirata, Umuarama, Uniao Da Victoria, Wenceslau Braz
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