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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

A rolling shutter is a durable, space-efficient door or window covering typically made from materials like aluminum, galvanized steel, or PVC. It consists of interlocking slats that roll up into a compact coil when opened and unroll to cover an opening when closed. Easy to operate and low maintenance, they are installed professionally and can be customized in various colors and finishes to match different architectural styles.

Product Benefits

  • Provides a strong barrier against break-ins and vandalism, making it ideal for protecting properties.
  • Insulated slats improve temperature control, keeping interiors warmer in winter and cooler in summer, which can lower energy bills.
  • Suitable for homes, commercial storefronts, industrial facilities, garages, and more, adapting well to different security and environmental needs.

Applications of Rolling Shutter

Residential Homes: Provides security, privacy, and enhances curb appeal for homes, often serving as a primary security barrier.

Commercial Buildings: Used at office entrances, parking lots, and loading docks to regulate access and protect property.

Industrial Facilities: Secures entrances to factories, warehouses, and storage yards, restricting unauthorized access to sensitive areas.

Educational Institutions: Controls access to school and university campuses, improving student and staff safety.

Key Features

  • High Security

  • Automation Options

  • Access Control Integration

  • Safety Features

  • Noise Reduction

  • Manual and Automatic Options


Yes, we both supply and fit roller shutter doors, ensuring a comprehensive service from selection to installation. Our team will guide you through the process to meet your specific needs.

Yes, roller shutters are safe to operate, especially with built-in safety features like sensors and automatic stops. Regular maintenance further enhances their safety and performance.

Yes, we can schedule the installation of roller shutters around your working hours to minimize disruptions. Our team will work with you to ensure convenient timing.

Yes, we offer removal and disposal services for old roller shutters as part of our replacement service. Our team will handle the entire process for your convenience.

Yes, roller shutter doors are energy-efficient as they help regulate indoor temperatures by reducing heat loss in winter and blocking heat in summer. Insulated slats further enhance their thermal efficiency.

We can supply Rolling Shutter to following cities in Parana of Brazil - Almirante Tamandare, Alto Parana, Alto Piquiri, Altonia, Ampere, Andira, Antonina, Apucarana, Arapongas, Arapoti, Araucaria, Assai, Assis Chateaubriand, Astorga, Bandeirantes, Barbosa Ferraz, Bela Vista Do Paraiso, Cambara, Cambe, Campina Grande Do Sul, Campina Da Lagoa, Campo Largo, Campo Murao, Candido De Abreu, Capitao Leonidas Marques, Carambei, Cascavel, Castro, Centenario Do Sul, Chopinzinho, Cianorte, Clevelandia, Colombo, Colorado, Contenda, Corbelia, Cornelio Procopio, Coronel Vivida, Cruzeiro Do Oeste, Curitiba, Dois Vizinhos, Engenheiro Beltrao, Faxinal, Fazenda Rio Grande, Florestopolis, Foz Do Iguacu, Francisco Beltrao, Goioere, Guaira, Guaraniacu, Guarapuava, Guaratuba, Ibaiti, Ibipora, Imbituva, Ipora, Irati, Itaperucu, Ivaipora, Jacarezinho, Jaguariaiva, Jandaia Do Sul, Jataizinho, Lapa, Laranjeiras Do Sul, Loanda, Londrina, Mandaguacu, Mandaguari, Marechal Candido Rondon, Marialva, Maringa, Matelandia, Matinhos, Medianeira, Moreira Sales, Nova Aurora, Nova Esperanca, Nova Londrina, Ortigueira, Paicandu, Palmas, Palmeira, Palotina, Paranagua, Paranavai, Pato Branco, Peabiru, Pinhais, Pinhao, Pirai Do Sul, Piraquara, Pitanga, Ponta Grossa, Pontal Do Parana, Porecatu, Primero De Maio, Prudentopolis, Quatro Barras, Quedas Do Iguacu, Realeza, Reserva, Ribeirao Do Pinhal, Rio Branco Do Sul, Rio Negro, Rolandia, Santa Helena, Santa Terezinha De Itaipu, Santo Antonio Da Platina, Santo Antonio Do Sudoeste, Sao Joao Do Ivai, Sao Jose Dos Pinhais, Sao Mateus Do Sul, Sao Miguel Do Iguacu, Sarandi, Senges, Sertanopolis, Siquera Campos, Tapejara, Telemaco Borba, Terra Boa, Terra Rica, Terra Roxa, Tibagi, Toledo, Ubirata, Umuarama, Uniao Da Victoria, Wenceslau Braz