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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

High-speed roll-up doors are designed for rapid operation, with opening speeds of up to 2.5 m/s and durable PVC or fabric curtains. Frames are made of galvanized steel, aluminum, or stainless steel with optional powder coating. Safety features include infrared sensors, light curtains, and emergency manual operation systems. Suitable for high-cycle environments, they resist wind loads (Class 2+), operate in temperatures from -30°C to +70°C, and offer IP54+ protection. Customizable dimensions, vision panels, and activation methods are available.

Product Benefits

  • Rolls upward into a compact coil, maximizing usable space in tight areas.
  • High-speed opening and closing enhance workflow efficiency and reduce downtime.
  • Minimizes air exchange to maintain temperature control, ideal for climate-sensitive areas.
  • Constructed with robust materials like PVC, fabric, or steel to withstand frequent use and harsh environments.

Applications of Roll Up Door

Warehouses and Distribution Centers: Facilitates smooth logistics, quick access, and environmental separation.

Cold Storage Facilities: Maintains temperature control by minimizing air exchange during operation.

Cleanrooms and Laboratories: Ensures controlled environments by sealing out contaminants.

Parking Garages: Provides secure and fast access for vehicles in commercial or residential parking areas.

Key Features

  • High-Speed Operation

  • Durable Materials

  • Compact Design

  • Safety Systems

  • Self-Repairing Mechanism

  • Automation Compatibility


To choose the best roll-up door, consider factors like the door's size, operating environment, and required speed. Evaluate additional features like insulation, safety systems, and durability based on your specific needs.

Your high-speed roll-up door likely has a safety sensor detecting an obstruction or misalignment. It could also be due to issues with the limit settings or a malfunction in the control system.

Roll-up doors are highly secure, featuring durable materials, tamper-resistant designs, and advanced locking systems. For added protection, they can include access controls like keypads, RFID, or remote monitoring.

Yes, many modern roll-up doors can be controlled via mobile phones using compatible apps or smart home systems. This typically requires a Wi-Fi-enabled controller or integration with automation systems.

Installation of roll-up doors typically takes **4 to 6 hours** for small to medium-sized doors, while larger or more complex doors may require 1 to 2 days. Additional preparation, like structural or electrical work, could extend the timeline.

We can supply Roll Up Door to following cities in Parana of Brazil - Almirante Tamandare, Alto Parana, Alto Piquiri, Altonia, Ampere, Andira, Antonina, Apucarana, Arapongas, Arapoti, Araucaria, Assai, Assis Chateaubriand, Astorga, Bandeirantes, Barbosa Ferraz, Bela Vista Do Paraiso, Cambara, Cambe, Campina Grande Do Sul, Campina Da Lagoa, Campo Largo, Campo Murao, Candido De Abreu, Capitao Leonidas Marques, Carambei, Cascavel, Castro, Centenario Do Sul, Chopinzinho, Cianorte, Clevelandia, Colombo, Colorado, Contenda, Corbelia, Cornelio Procopio, Coronel Vivida, Cruzeiro Do Oeste, Curitiba, Dois Vizinhos, Engenheiro Beltrao, Faxinal, Fazenda Rio Grande, Florestopolis, Foz Do Iguacu, Francisco Beltrao, Goioere, Guaira, Guaraniacu, Guarapuava, Guaratuba, Ibaiti, Ibipora, Imbituva, Ipora, Irati, Itaperucu, Ivaipora, Jacarezinho, Jaguariaiva, Jandaia Do Sul, Jataizinho, Lapa, Laranjeiras Do Sul, Loanda, Londrina, Mandaguacu, Mandaguari, Marechal Candido Rondon, Marialva, Maringa, Matelandia, Matinhos, Medianeira, Moreira Sales, Nova Aurora, Nova Esperanca, Nova Londrina, Ortigueira, Paicandu, Palmas, Palmeira, Palotina, Paranagua, Paranavai, Pato Branco, Peabiru, Pinhais, Pinhao, Pirai Do Sul, Piraquara, Pitanga, Ponta Grossa, Pontal Do Parana, Porecatu, Primero De Maio, Prudentopolis, Quatro Barras, Quedas Do Iguacu, Realeza, Reserva, Ribeirao Do Pinhal, Rio Branco Do Sul, Rio Negro, Rolandia, Santa Helena, Santa Terezinha De Itaipu, Santo Antonio Da Platina, Santo Antonio Do Sudoeste, Sao Joao Do Ivai, Sao Jose Dos Pinhais, Sao Mateus Do Sul, Sao Miguel Do Iguacu, Sarandi, Senges, Sertanopolis, Siquera Campos, Tapejara, Telemaco Borba, Terra Boa, Terra Rica, Terra Roxa, Tibagi, Toledo, Ubirata, Umuarama, Uniao Da Victoria, Wenceslau Braz