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Fire Rated Doors Details

Fire-rated doors are specially designed to withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire and smoke in a building. They are made from materials like steel or solid wood, with fire-resistant cores. These doors automatically close when a fire is detected, offering extra protection. They are commonly used in hallways, stairwells, and areas with high fire risks to keep people safe.

Fire Rated Doors Benefits

  • Prevents fire and smoke from moving to other parts of the building.
  • Made with materials that can handle high heat without breaking.
  • Reduces damage to other parts of the building and valuable items.
  • Can be made in different sizes and designs to fit your needs.

Applications of Fire Rated Doors

Offices and Commercial Buildings: Used to protect hallways, stairwells, and office areas.

Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Protects critical areas like operating rooms and patient wards.

Factories and Warehouses: Protects storage areas and production zones from fire.

Airports and Train Stations: Safeguards high-traffic zones like waiting areas and corridors.

Key Features of Fire Rated Doors

  • Fire Resistance

  • Durable Materials

  • Smoke Sealing

  • Strong Construction

  • Variety of Designs

  • Provides Privacy


A fire-resistant door can have glass, but it must be special fire-rated glass that can resist high heat. The amount of glass is limited depending on the door's fire rating to ensure it still provides proper protection.

Fire-rated doors come with different fire ratings based on how long they can resist fire, such as 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes. The higher the rating, the longer the door can protect against fire.

Fire-resistant doors are tested by exposing them to high temperatures in a controlled environment to see how long they can withstand fire without breaking or letting smoke pass through. The door's ability to stay intact and seal properly is carefully measured during the test.

Fire-resistant doors are made from materials like steel, solid wood, or fire-resistant glass. These materials are specially designed to withstand high heat and prevent the spread of fire.

To maintain fire-resistant doors, check them regularly for any damage or wear, especially the seals and hinges. Ensure the door closes properly and isn't blocked by anything that could prevent it from working during a fire.

We can supply Fire Rated Doors to following cities in Bahia of Brazil - Acajutiba, Alagoinhas, Amargosa, Amelia Rodrigues, America Dourada, Anage, Araci, Aurelino Leal, Baixa Grande, Barra, Barra Da Estiva, Barra Do Choca, Barreiras, Belmonte, Boa Vista Do Tupim, Bom Jesus Da Lapa, Boquira, Brumado, Buerarema, Cachoeira, Cacule, Caetite, Cafarnaum, Camacan, Camacari, Camamu, Campo Alegre De Lourdes, Campo Formoso, Canarana, Canavieiras, Candeias, Candido Sales, Cansancao, Capim Grosso, Caravelas, Carinhanha, Casa Nova, Castro Alves, Catu, Cicero Dantas, Cipo, Coaraci, Conceicao Da Feira, Conceicao Do Almeida, Conceicao Do Coite, Conceicao Do Jacuipe, Conde, Coracao De Maria, Coronel Joao Sa, Correntina, Cruz Das Almas, Curaca, Dias DAvila, Encruzilhada, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Euclides Da Cunha, Eunapolis, Feira De Santana, Filadelfia, Formosa Do Rio Preto, Gandu, Guanambi, Guaratinga, Iacu, Ibicarai, Ibicui, Ibipeba, Ibirapitanga, Ibirataia, Ibotirama, Iguai, Ilheus, Inhambupe, Ipiau, Ipira, Iraquara, Irara, Irece, Itabela, Itaberaba, Itabuna, Itacare, Itagi, Itagiba, Itajuipe, Itamaraju, Itambe, Itanhem, Itaparica, Itapetinga, Itapicuru, Itarantim, Itirucu, Itiuba, Itororo, Ituacu, Itubera, Jacobina, Jaguaquara, Jaguarari, Jequie, Jeremoabo, Jitauna, Joao Dourado, Juazeiro, Jussara, Laje, Lapao, Lauro De Freitas, Livramento, Macarani, Macaubas, Madre De Deus, Mairi, Maracas, Maragogipe, Marau, Mascote, Mata De Sao Joao, Medeiros Neto, Miguel Calmon, Milagres, Monte Santo, Morro De Chapeu, Mucuri, Mundo Novo, Muritiba, Mutuipe, Nazare, Nova Soure, Nova Vicosa, Olindina, Oliveira Dos Brejinhos, Palmas De Monte Alto, Paramirim, Paratinga, Paripiranga, Pau Brasil, Paulo Afonso, Pilao Arcado, Pindobacu, Piritiba, Planalto, Pocoes, Pojuca, Ponto Novo, Porto Seguro, Prado, Presidente Tancredo Neves, Queimadas, Quijingue, Rafael Jambeiro, Remanso, Riachao Das Neves, Riachao Do Jacuipe, Riacho De Santana, Ribeira Do Pombal, Rio Real, Ruy Barbosa, Salvador, Santa Cruz Cabralia, Santa Ines, Santa Maria Da Vitoria, Santa Rita De Cassia, Santaluz, Santana, Santo Amaro, Santo Antonio De Jesus, Santo Estevao, Sao Desiderio, Sao Felipe, Sao Francisco Do Conde, Sao Gabriel, Sao Goncalo Dos Campos, Sao Sebastiao Do Passe, Saubara, Seabra, Senhor Do Bonfim, Sento Se, Serra Dourada, Serra Do Ramalho, Serrinha, Simoes Filho, Sobradinho, Souto Soares, Tanhacu, Taperoa, Tapiramuta, Teixeira De Freitas, Teofilandia, Terra Nova, Tremedal, Tucano, Uaua, Ubaira, Ubaitaba, Ubata, Una, Urucuca, Utinga, Valenca, Valente, Vera Cruz, Vitoria Da Conquista, Wenceslau Guimaraes, Xique Xique