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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

A hangar door is a large, heavy-duty door used to provide access to aircraft storage facilities, typically designed to withstand harsh conditions. Made from materials like steel or aluminum, these doors are available in various styles, including bi-fold, sliding, and roller types, to accommodate the size and needs of the hangar. Hangar doors are engineered for smooth operation, often automated for convenience, and equipped with high-strength seals to protect against environmental elements. They can be customized for specific dimensions and security requirements.

Product Benefits

  • Provides wide openings for easy entry and exit of large aircraft or equipment.
  • Built with robust materials like steel and aluminum, ensuring long-lasting performance in tough conditions.
  • Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, providing protection from wind, rain, and snow.
  • Can be equipped with automated systems, allowing for easy and fast opening and closing of the door.

Applications of Hangar Door

Aircraft Storage: Used in airports and private aviation facilities to store airplanes, helicopters, and other aircraft safely.

Military and Government Facilities: Provides secure access for military aircraft and helicopters in defense and government hangars.

Commercial Aviation: Installed in commercial aviation hangars to accommodate maintenance, repair, and storage of commercial airliners.

Private Aviation: Used in private airfields and hangars to protect personal aircraft, offering easy access and security.

Key Features

  • Wide Opening

  • Heavy-Duty Construction

  • Automated Operation

  • Weather Resistance

  • Customizable Size and Design

  • Insulation Options


Yes, many hangar doors can include sheeting and insulation, though these features may be optional depending on the door type and customization.

Yes, Toshi Automation offer fast-track manufacturing options for hangar doors, depending on availability and project specifications.

The voltage and phase requirements for a hangar door depend on the motor type and size, but most automated hangar doors operate on 230V or 460V single-phase or three-phase power. Always refer to the manufacturer's specifications for the exact requirements based on your door's motor and automation system.

The lead time for a bottom rolling hangar door typically ranges from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the manufacturer, customization requirements, and order volume. It's best to consult the supplier for a more accurate timeline based on your specific needs.

Yes, you can install a steel sliding door on an existing hangar, even if it currently has a different door, by modifying the frame and track system. Professional installation may be required to ensure proper alignment and secure fitting for optimal performance.

We can supply Hangar Door to following cities in Bahia of Brazil - Acajutiba, Alagoinhas, Amargosa, Amelia Rodrigues, America Dourada, Anage, Araci, Aurelino Leal, Baixa Grande, Barra, Barra Da Estiva, Barra Do Choca, Barreiras, Belmonte, Boa Vista Do Tupim, Bom Jesus Da Lapa, Boquira, Brumado, Buerarema, Cachoeira, Cacule, Caetite, Cafarnaum, Camacan, Camacari, Camamu, Campo Alegre De Lourdes, Campo Formoso, Canarana, Canavieiras, Candeias, Candido Sales, Cansancao, Capim Grosso, Caravelas, Carinhanha, Casa Nova, Castro Alves, Catu, Cicero Dantas, Cipo, Coaraci, Conceicao Da Feira, Conceicao Do Almeida, Conceicao Do Coite, Conceicao Do Jacuipe, Conde, Coracao De Maria, Coronel Joao Sa, Correntina, Cruz Das Almas, Curaca, Dias DAvila, Encruzilhada, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Euclides Da Cunha, Eunapolis, Feira De Santana, Filadelfia, Formosa Do Rio Preto, Gandu, Guanambi, Guaratinga, Iacu, Ibicarai, Ibicui, Ibipeba, Ibirapitanga, Ibirataia, Ibotirama, Iguai, Ilheus, Inhambupe, Ipiau, Ipira, Iraquara, Irara, Irece, Itabela, Itaberaba, Itabuna, Itacare, Itagi, Itagiba, Itajuipe, Itamaraju, Itambe, Itanhem, Itaparica, Itapetinga, Itapicuru, Itarantim, Itirucu, Itiuba, Itororo, Ituacu, Itubera, Jacobina, Jaguaquara, Jaguarari, Jequie, Jeremoabo, Jitauna, Joao Dourado, Juazeiro, Jussara, Laje, Lapao, Lauro De Freitas, Livramento, Macarani, Macaubas, Madre De Deus, Mairi, Maracas, Maragogipe, Marau, Mascote, Mata De Sao Joao, Medeiros Neto, Miguel Calmon, Milagres, Monte Santo, Morro De Chapeu, Mucuri, Mundo Novo, Muritiba, Mutuipe, Nazare, Nova Soure, Nova Vicosa, Olindina, Oliveira Dos Brejinhos, Palmas De Monte Alto, Paramirim, Paratinga, Paripiranga, Pau Brasil, Paulo Afonso, Pilao Arcado, Pindobacu, Piritiba, Planalto, Pocoes, Pojuca, Ponto Novo, Porto Seguro, Prado, Presidente Tancredo Neves, Queimadas, Quijingue, Rafael Jambeiro, Remanso, Riachao Das Neves, Riachao Do Jacuipe, Riacho De Santana, Ribeira Do Pombal, Rio Real, Ruy Barbosa, Salvador, Santa Cruz Cabralia, Santa Ines, Santa Maria Da Vitoria, Santa Rita De Cassia, Santaluz, Santana, Santo Amaro, Santo Antonio De Jesus, Santo Estevao, Sao Desiderio, Sao Felipe, Sao Francisco Do Conde, Sao Gabriel, Sao Goncalo Dos Campos, Sao Sebastiao Do Passe, Saubara, Seabra, Senhor Do Bonfim, Sento Se, Serra Dourada, Serra Do Ramalho, Serrinha, Simoes Filho, Sobradinho, Souto Soares, Tanhacu, Taperoa, Tapiramuta, Teixeira De Freitas, Teofilandia, Terra Nova, Tremedal, Tucano, Uaua, Ubaira, Ubaitaba, Ubata, Una, Urucuca, Utinga, Valenca, Valente, Vera Cruz, Vitoria Da Conquista, Wenceslau Guimaraes, Xique Xique