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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

Toshi Spike Barriers are available in Concealed design (Flat - T model) and Exposed design (Hump - T model). They both are equipped with hot galvanized 165mm long pointed spikes to puncture tyre of vehicle trying to forcefully enter any restricted area. Being One of the Pioneers in the field of Secured Entrance Automation with over 25 years of intense experience,Toshi Offers a good range of Spike Tyre Killers, not only we offer the most suitable features for any & every project, we try to accomplish the needs as per site conditions.

Product Benefits

  • Prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering restricted areas by damaging their tires, ensuring secure premises.
  • Acts as a strong deterrent for unauthorized parking or trespassing, reducing incidents of illegal access.
  • Built to withstand heavy vehicle traffic and harsh outdoor conditions for long-lasting effectiveness.
  • Operates automatically or via remote control for seamless use, ensuring quick and easy deployment.

Applications of Tyre Killer

Security Checkpoints: Used at entrance points to control unauthorized access to restricted areas, such as military bases or government facilities.

Parking Lot Management: Installed in private or commercial parking lots to prevent illegal or unauthorized parking.

Airport Security: Provides an additional layer of security at airport entrances, deterring unauthorized vehicles from entering secure zones.

Border Control: Deployed at border checkpoints to prevent illegal crossings or unauthorized vehicles from entering sensitive regions.

Key Features

  • Heavy-Duty Construction

  • Automatic or Manual Operation

  • Vehicle Immobilization

  • High Visibility

  • Quick Deployment

  • Low Maintenance


Tyres should be checked at least once a month for proper inflation, tread wear, and any signs of damage. It's also important to inspect them before long trips or when carrying heavy loads.

It typically uses spikes or blades that are deployed across the road or entrance. When a vehicle drives over it, the spikes puncture the tires, preventing further movement.

Tyre killers are commonly used at security checkpoints, military bases, airports, government buildings, industrial sites, parking lots, and restricted access areas.

Tyre killers are designed to be tamper-resistant, but in rare cases, determined individuals may try to bypass or disable them. Proper installation and security measures help prevent this.

Yes, many modern tyre killers come with remote control or automated systems, allowing security personnel to deploy or retract them easily.

We can supply Tyre Killer to following cities in Bahia of Brazil - Acajutiba, Alagoinhas, Amargosa, Amelia Rodrigues, America Dourada, Anage, Araci, Aurelino Leal, Baixa Grande, Barra, Barra Da Estiva, Barra Do Choca, Barreiras, Belmonte, Boa Vista Do Tupim, Bom Jesus Da Lapa, Boquira, Brumado, Buerarema, Cachoeira, Cacule, Caetite, Cafarnaum, Camacan, Camacari, Camamu, Campo Alegre De Lourdes, Campo Formoso, Canarana, Canavieiras, Candeias, Candido Sales, Cansancao, Capim Grosso, Caravelas, Carinhanha, Casa Nova, Castro Alves, Catu, Cicero Dantas, Cipo, Coaraci, Conceicao Da Feira, Conceicao Do Almeida, Conceicao Do Coite, Conceicao Do Jacuipe, Conde, Coracao De Maria, Coronel Joao Sa, Correntina, Cruz Das Almas, Curaca, Dias DAvila, Encruzilhada, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Euclides Da Cunha, Eunapolis, Feira De Santana, Filadelfia, Formosa Do Rio Preto, Gandu, Guanambi, Guaratinga, Iacu, Ibicarai, Ibicui, Ibipeba, Ibirapitanga, Ibirataia, Ibotirama, Iguai, Ilheus, Inhambupe, Ipiau, Ipira, Iraquara, Irara, Irece, Itabela, Itaberaba, Itabuna, Itacare, Itagi, Itagiba, Itajuipe, Itamaraju, Itambe, Itanhem, Itaparica, Itapetinga, Itapicuru, Itarantim, Itirucu, Itiuba, Itororo, Ituacu, Itubera, Jacobina, Jaguaquara, Jaguarari, Jequie, Jeremoabo, Jitauna, Joao Dourado, Juazeiro, Jussara, Laje, Lapao, Lauro De Freitas, Livramento, Macarani, Macaubas, Madre De Deus, Mairi, Maracas, Maragogipe, Marau, Mascote, Mata De Sao Joao, Medeiros Neto, Miguel Calmon, Milagres, Monte Santo, Morro De Chapeu, Mucuri, Mundo Novo, Muritiba, Mutuipe, Nazare, Nova Soure, Nova Vicosa, Olindina, Oliveira Dos Brejinhos, Palmas De Monte Alto, Paramirim, Paratinga, Paripiranga, Pau Brasil, Paulo Afonso, Pilao Arcado, Pindobacu, Piritiba, Planalto, Pocoes, Pojuca, Ponto Novo, Porto Seguro, Prado, Presidente Tancredo Neves, Queimadas, Quijingue, Rafael Jambeiro, Remanso, Riachao Das Neves, Riachao Do Jacuipe, Riacho De Santana, Ribeira Do Pombal, Rio Real, Ruy Barbosa, Salvador, Santa Cruz Cabralia, Santa Ines, Santa Maria Da Vitoria, Santa Rita De Cassia, Santaluz, Santana, Santo Amaro, Santo Antonio De Jesus, Santo Estevao, Sao Desiderio, Sao Felipe, Sao Francisco Do Conde, Sao Gabriel, Sao Goncalo Dos Campos, Sao Sebastiao Do Passe, Saubara, Seabra, Senhor Do Bonfim, Sento Se, Serra Dourada, Serra Do Ramalho, Serrinha, Simoes Filho, Sobradinho, Souto Soares, Tanhacu, Taperoa, Tapiramuta, Teixeira De Freitas, Teofilandia, Terra Nova, Tremedal, Tucano, Uaua, Ubaira, Ubaitaba, Ubata, Una, Urucuca, Utinga, Valenca, Valente, Vera Cruz, Vitoria Da Conquista, Wenceslau Guimaraes, Xique Xique