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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

Garage doors are essential components of residential and commercial properties, providing security, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal. Available in various styles, including sectional, roll-up, and swing-out designs, these doors are made from durable materials such as steel, aluminum, wood, and fiberglass. Equipped with automated systems, they offer convenient operation via remote controls, keypads, or smart home integration.

Product Benefits

  • Provides a strong barrier against intruders, protecting vehicles and stored items.
  • Insulated models help maintain a stable temperature, reducing heating and cooling costs.
  • Made from robust materials that withstand wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • Includes mechanisms like automatic reverse and pinch-resistant designs to prevent accidents.

Applications of Garage Door

Commercial Properties: Used for business premises, warehouses, and retail spaces to facilitate loading and unloading.

Automotive Shops: Serves as entry points for service vehicles and customers, enhancing workflow and accessibility.

Fire Stations: Enables rapid access for emergency vehicles, crucial for timely response to emergencies.

Recreational Facilities: Used in gyms, sports complexes, and event venues for vehicle access and equipment storage.

Key Features

  • Variety of Styles

  • Durable Materials

  • Automated Operation

  • Safety Features

  • Weather Sealing

  • Low Maintenance


Yes, existing manual garage doors can be retrofitted with automation kits that include openers and sensors.

Look for features such as automatic reverse, safety sensors, and emergency release mechanisms to prevent accidents and ensure safe operation.

Regular maintenance includes checking the opener's function, lubricating moving parts, inspecting safety features, and ensuring the door is balanced.

Most automated garage doors have a manual release mechanism that allows you to operate the door manually in case of power failure.

Yes, many automated garage door systems are designed for energy efficiency, particularly those with insulated doors that help maintain temperature control.

We can supply Garage Doors to following cities in Parana of Brazil - Almirante Tamandare, Alto Parana, Alto Piquiri, Altonia, Ampere, Andira, Antonina, Apucarana, Arapongas, Arapoti, Araucaria, Assai, Assis Chateaubriand, Astorga, Bandeirantes, Barbosa Ferraz, Bela Vista Do Paraiso, Cambara, Cambe, Campina Grande Do Sul, Campina Da Lagoa, Campo Largo, Campo Murao, Candido De Abreu, Capitao Leonidas Marques, Carambei, Cascavel, Castro, Centenario Do Sul, Chopinzinho, Cianorte, Clevelandia, Colombo, Colorado, Contenda, Corbelia, Cornelio Procopio, Coronel Vivida, Cruzeiro Do Oeste, Curitiba, Dois Vizinhos, Engenheiro Beltrao, Faxinal, Fazenda Rio Grande, Florestopolis, Foz Do Iguacu, Francisco Beltrao, Goioere, Guaira, Guaraniacu, Guarapuava, Guaratuba, Ibaiti, Ibipora, Imbituva, Ipora, Irati, Itaperucu, Ivaipora, Jacarezinho, Jaguariaiva, Jandaia Do Sul, Jataizinho, Lapa, Laranjeiras Do Sul, Loanda, Londrina, Mandaguacu, Mandaguari, Marechal Candido Rondon, Marialva, Maringa, Matelandia, Matinhos, Medianeira, Moreira Sales, Nova Aurora, Nova Esperanca, Nova Londrina, Ortigueira, Paicandu, Palmas, Palmeira, Palotina, Paranagua, Paranavai, Pato Branco, Peabiru, Pinhais, Pinhao, Pirai Do Sul, Piraquara, Pitanga, Ponta Grossa, Pontal Do Parana, Porecatu, Primero De Maio, Prudentopolis, Quatro Barras, Quedas Do Iguacu, Realeza, Reserva, Ribeirao Do Pinhal, Rio Branco Do Sul, Rio Negro, Rolandia, Santa Helena, Santa Terezinha De Itaipu, Santo Antonio Da Platina, Santo Antonio Do Sudoeste, Sao Joao Do Ivai, Sao Jose Dos Pinhais, Sao Mateus Do Sul, Sao Miguel Do Iguacu, Sarandi, Senges, Sertanopolis, Siquera Campos, Tapejara, Telemaco Borba, Terra Boa, Terra Rica, Terra Roxa, Tibagi, Toledo, Ubirata, Umuarama, Uniao Da Victoria, Wenceslau Braz