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A - 1/244 Sector 17, Kavi Nagar
Industrial Area Swadeshi Compound Ghaziabad - 201009

Product Details

Auto Hand dryers Hand dryers we believe that every hand dryer is hero; when your hands approach, you save a tree! we hope our effort will make every rest room and toilet arround the world cleaner and greener. TOSHI offering a range of premium world class auto hand dryers with high quality, eco friendly and innovative technology World class technology solutions.

Product Benefits

  • Reduces the need for paper towels, leading to significant long-term cost savings in supplies and waste disposal.
  • Automatic hand dryers with touch-free sensors reduce contact, minimizing the spread of germs and bacteria.
  • Hand dryers with HEPA filters provide cleaner, filtered air, enhancing restroom hygiene.

Applications of Hand Dryer

Public Restrooms: Widely used in malls, airports, train stations, and other high-traffic public areas to provide convenient and hygienic hand-drying.

Restaurants and Cafés: Ensures hygienic, quick drying for customers and staff, contributing to a clean and pleasant restroom environment.

Offices and Corporate Buildings: Reduces maintenance in workplace restrooms and offers a sustainable alternative to paper towels.

Factories and Industrial Facilities: Provides a durable, low-maintenance drying option in high-traffic and potentially rugged work environments.

Key Features

  • Automatic Operation

  • High-Speed Drying

  • Power Efficiency

  • Durable Materials

  • HEPA Filtration

  • Adjustable Heat Settings


Yes, especially sensor-activated models, as they minimize touch. Models with HEPA filters also provide cleaner air by trapping airborne contaminants.

Hand dryers reduce paper waste, lower maintenance costs, save space, and offer an eco-friendly, cost-effective drying solution.

Yes, they are versatile and can be used in commercial, public, and even residential restrooms.

Yes, many hand dryers use less power and are designed to replace paper towels, reducing environmental impact.

Energy usage varies but ranges from 500W to 2000W. Energy-efficient models consume less power, often including options for cool air.

We can supply Hand Dryer to following cities in Bahia of Brazil - Acajutiba, Alagoinhas, Amargosa, Amelia Rodrigues, America Dourada, Anage, Araci, Aurelino Leal, Baixa Grande, Barra, Barra Da Estiva, Barra Do Choca, Barreiras, Belmonte, Boa Vista Do Tupim, Bom Jesus Da Lapa, Boquira, Brumado, Buerarema, Cachoeira, Cacule, Caetite, Cafarnaum, Camacan, Camacari, Camamu, Campo Alegre De Lourdes, Campo Formoso, Canarana, Canavieiras, Candeias, Candido Sales, Cansancao, Capim Grosso, Caravelas, Carinhanha, Casa Nova, Castro Alves, Catu, Cicero Dantas, Cipo, Coaraci, Conceicao Da Feira, Conceicao Do Almeida, Conceicao Do Coite, Conceicao Do Jacuipe, Conde, Coracao De Maria, Coronel Joao Sa, Correntina, Cruz Das Almas, Curaca, Dias DAvila, Encruzilhada, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Euclides Da Cunha, Eunapolis, Feira De Santana, Filadelfia, Formosa Do Rio Preto, Gandu, Guanambi, Guaratinga, Iacu, Ibicarai, Ibicui, Ibipeba, Ibirapitanga, Ibirataia, Ibotirama, Iguai, Ilheus, Inhambupe, Ipiau, Ipira, Iraquara, Irara, Irece, Itabela, Itaberaba, Itabuna, Itacare, Itagi, Itagiba, Itajuipe, Itamaraju, Itambe, Itanhem, Itaparica, Itapetinga, Itapicuru, Itarantim, Itirucu, Itiuba, Itororo, Ituacu, Itubera, Jacobina, Jaguaquara, Jaguarari, Jequie, Jeremoabo, Jitauna, Joao Dourado, Juazeiro, Jussara, Laje, Lapao, Lauro De Freitas, Livramento, Macarani, Macaubas, Madre De Deus, Mairi, Maracas, Maragogipe, Marau, Mascote, Mata De Sao Joao, Medeiros Neto, Miguel Calmon, Milagres, Monte Santo, Morro De Chapeu, Mucuri, Mundo Novo, Muritiba, Mutuipe, Nazare, Nova Soure, Nova Vicosa, Olindina, Oliveira Dos Brejinhos, Palmas De Monte Alto, Paramirim, Paratinga, Paripiranga, Pau Brasil, Paulo Afonso, Pilao Arcado, Pindobacu, Piritiba, Planalto, Pocoes, Pojuca, Ponto Novo, Porto Seguro, Prado, Presidente Tancredo Neves, Queimadas, Quijingue, Rafael Jambeiro, Remanso, Riachao Das Neves, Riachao Do Jacuipe, Riacho De Santana, Ribeira Do Pombal, Rio Real, Ruy Barbosa, Salvador, Santa Cruz Cabralia, Santa Ines, Santa Maria Da Vitoria, Santa Rita De Cassia, Santaluz, Santana, Santo Amaro, Santo Antonio De Jesus, Santo Estevao, Sao Desiderio, Sao Felipe, Sao Francisco Do Conde, Sao Gabriel, Sao Goncalo Dos Campos, Sao Sebastiao Do Passe, Saubara, Seabra, Senhor Do Bonfim, Sento Se, Serra Dourada, Serra Do Ramalho, Serrinha, Simoes Filho, Sobradinho, Souto Soares, Tanhacu, Taperoa, Tapiramuta, Teixeira De Freitas, Teofilandia, Terra Nova, Tremedal, Tucano, Uaua, Ubaira, Ubaitaba, Ubata, Una, Urucuca, Utinga, Valenca, Valente, Vera Cruz, Vitoria Da Conquista, Wenceslau Guimaraes, Xique Xique
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